import pandas as pd
import geopandas as gpd
from shapely.geometry import Point
# Read the CSV file
df = pd.read_csv('Mineral.csv')
# Create a GeoDataFrame
geometry = [Point(xy) for xy in zip(df['longitude'], df['latitude'])]
gdf = gpd.GeoDataFrame(df, crs="EPSG:4326", geometry=geometry)
import folium
from folium.plugins import MarkerCluster
#Created a custom color map for commodities I want to highlight
color_map = {
'Gold': 'orange',
'Silver': 'lightgray',
'Uranium': 'green',
'Copper': 'red',
'Sulfur': 'lightgreen',
'Fluorite': 'blue',
'Lead': 'gray',
'Gemstone': 'pink',
'Iron': 'black',
'Phosphorus': 'darkgreen',
'Manganese': 'purple',
'Mercury': 'lightred',
'Other': 'white'
def get_icon_color(commod1_value):
commod1_str = str(commod1_value)
# Check for substring matches and return the corresponding color
for keyword, color in color_map.items():
if keyword in commod1_str:
return color
# If no matches, return white
return 'white'
# Filter development status by "producer" and ore type by "underground"
gdf_filter2=gdf[(gdf['oper_type'] == 'Underground') & gdf['commod1'].notna() & (gdf['commod1'] != '')]
gdf_filter = gdf_filter2[gdf_filter2['dev_stat'] == 'Producer']
# Drop rows with NaN values in latitude or longitude
gdf_filter = gdf_filter.dropna(subset=['latitude', 'longitude'])
# Create the map centered at the mean latitude and longitude
map_center = [gdf_filter['latitude'].mean(), gdf_filter['longitude'].mean()]
m = folium.Map(location=map_center, zoom_start=5)
# Add Font Awesome CSS link to the head of the map
icon_css_link = '<link rel="stylesheet" href="">'
# Create a custom legend with corresponding colors
legend_html = """
<div style="
position: fixed;
top: 10px;
right: 10px;
width: 120px;
height: auto;
z-index: 9999;
font-size: 12px;
background-color: white;
padding: 10px;
border: 1px solid #ccc;
border-radius: 5px;
box-shadow: 2px 2px 2px #ccc;
""".format('\n'.join([f'<i class="fas fa-circle" style="color:{color};"></i> {commod1}<br>' for commod1, color in color_map.items()]))
legend = folium.Html(legend_html, script=True)
# I want to priotize how the marker is displayed by how the commodities are ordered per site.
# This function will iterate through each commodity in the color map and keep the first most matching substring
def find_substring_before_match(commod1, commod1_value):
index = commod1.find(commod1_value)
if index != -1:
return commod1[:index + len(commod1_value)]
return commod1
# We'll use this new column to prioritize how the markers should appear based on commodity order.
gdf_filter['commod_search'] = gdf_filter.apply(lambda row: row['commod1'], axis=1)
# Iterate through each commod1_value in color_map
for commod1_value in color_map.keys():
# Apply the find_substring_before_match function to create the "commod_search" column
gdf_filter['commod_search'] = gdf_filter.apply(lambda row: find_substring_before_match(row['commod_search'], commod1_value) if commod1_value in row['commod_search'] else row['commod_search'], axis=1)
# Goes through each item in the color_map and places a marker
for commod1_value, color in color_map.items():
new_cluster= MarkerCluster(color=color).add_to(m)
for idx, row in gdf_filter[gdf_filter['commod_search'].str.contains(commod1_value)].iterrows():
first_letter = commod1_value[0].lower() # Get the first letter and make it lowercase
popup_text = f"{row['site_name']} - {row['commod1']}"
popup = folium.Popup(popup_text, max_width=200)
location=[row['latitude'], row['longitude']],
icon=folium.Icon(color=color, icon=f"{first_letter}", prefix="fa"),
other_cluster= MarkerCluster(color="white").add_to(m)
# Add white markers for non-matching rows
for idx, row in gdf_filter.iterrows():
if not any(commod1_value in row['commod1'] for commod1_value in color_map.keys()):
popup_text = f"{row['site_name']} - {row['commod1']}"
popup = folium.Popup(popup_text, max_width=200)
location=[row['latitude'], row['longitude']],
icon=folium.Icon(color='white', icon="o", prefix="fa", icon_color="gray"),
# Add a title to the map
title_html = '<h3 align="center" style="margin-bottom:0"><b>Underground Mines in Production</b></h3>'
# Display the map
import folium
from folium.plugins import HeatMap, MarkerCluster
# Filter the DataFrame to remove NaN or empty values in 'commod1'
gdf_filter3 = gdf[(gdf['oper_type'] == 'Underground') & gdf['commod1'].notna() & (gdf['commod1'] != '')]
gdf_filter3 = gdf_filter3[gdf_filter3['dev_stat'] == 'Producer']
# Drop rows with NaN values in latitude or longitude
gdf_filter3 = gdf_filter3.dropna(subset=['latitude', 'longitude'])
# Create the map centered at the mean latitude and longitude
map_center = [gdf_filter3['latitude'].mean(), gdf_filter3['longitude'].mean()]
m = folium.Map(location=map_center, zoom_start=5, tiles="Stamen Toner")
# Add a title to the map
title_html = '<h3 align="center" style="margin-bottom:0"><b>Underground Mines in Production</b></h3>'
# A list of minerals that encompasses the filtered list
minerals = [
"Copper Oxide",
"Fire Clay (Refractory)",
"Sand and Gravel",
"Semiprecious Gemstone",
"Soda Ash",
# Places marker for each mineral
for mineral in minerals:
new_group = folium.FeatureGroup(name=mineral, show=False)
new_group_cluster = MarkerCluster().add_to(new_group)
for idx, row in gdf_filter3.iterrows():
commodity = row['commod1']
if mineral in commodity:
location=[row['latitude'], row['longitude']],
popup=folium.Popup(f"{row['site_name']} - {row['commod1']}", max_width=200),
icon=folium.Icon(color='orange', icon='circle', prefix='fa')
# Add LayerControl to toggle the visibility of gold and uranium markers
# Display the map